

We are proud to be a multi-disciplinary design partner.

We draw on practices and approaches from various fields.

However, we are rooted in four core disciplines that we find are applicable time and time again across projects.

  • Human-centered design is when people work together to create things that solve problems or make life better, by putting humans at the center and considering their needs and ideas. This includes techniques like synthesis, ideation, prototyping, and user testing.

  • Systems thinking is a way of understanding how different parts of a situation or problem are connected and affect each other, so we can find better solutions that take everything into account.

  • Behavioural science is the study of why people act and behave the way they do, helping us understand why we make certain choices and how we can change our behavior for the better.

  • Business strategy helps us understand how products and services can create economic value so we can have more impact with the same amount of money.

We believe that solutions should be co-designed with the people who are impacted because we’ve seen how this approach achieves more impact and reinforces the agency and dignity of the people involved.

Your approach is the best because we are living with these children, we are staying with these teachers, and I think that if there is project the last beneficiary must own it. If the last beneficiary owns this project, the project can last for long. Many projects die at this school because the approach that people use is not like this one.

Teacher, program participant

As someone who works in different communities a lot, I realise that it is easy to assume a role of an ‘expert’ who knows the needs of other similar communities. It is when I get deep in a community and start listening to lived experiences of the people of that community that my assumptions get challenged, and I obtain rich insights and true wisdom.

Thamsanqa, organization partner

With this approach, you can see that the community is not idle - they have things to contribute in. This also brings sustainability. The ideas are from them and they will see the ownership of the project because we have been involving them from the start up to where we are going.

Maryloema, organization trainee


We envision a world where people experience deep joy and satisfaction in the things they engage in.


We empower organizations to design with people so that the experiences that are created meet people’s wants (joy) and needs (satisfaction).

A group of young children make peace signs as they smile up at the camera

Our ways, our works, and our whys are driven by our values.


We put the needs of others ahead of ourselves, and we work at our own personal transformation to practice what we preach.


We withhold judgement and instead extend love, compassion, empathy and generosity to people - to those who are suffering and to those who may cause suffering.


We treat each person with respect and dignity and we celebrate their gifts and abilities.

We work as a team and as equals, and diligently apply our gifts and abilities accordingly.


The little fish behind Little Fish

Justina Ojom

Founder & Principal Consultant

Justina is a consultant for the social sector, with over 8 years of experience in international development across the globe.

She is an expert on how to meaningfully and safely involve people in designing the solutions that impact them, especially in challenging contexts (like in refugee camps), on sensitive topics (like domestic violence), and on complex issues (like education in emergency settings).

Out of her passion for this work, she founded Little Fish to advocate, practice, and teach this approach to make it more commonplace in the social sector.

She also dances, acts, and climbs walls with her husband. If she could have one superpower, it would be to never need sleep. There’s too much fun and adventure to be had!


Justina Ojom

Little Fish is a nimble and flexible little thing, with brilliant friends who get involved on a project-by-project basis.

Advisors who share our passion and shape our story

Rachel Lehrer

Independent Advisor, Leader, Researcher, Consultant

Former Associate Director of Design and Innovation, Airbel Impact Lab, IRC


Rachel Lehrer
Scott Moore

Scott Moore

Executive Director, Youth Unlimited GTA


Vianney Mbonigaba

Senior Research and Policy Manager, IPA Uganda
